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Alphagraphics Puts a Creative Edge on Their 118 Pitch!





I had him.  I knew it.  I had been ready with my pitch and when I got him on the phone, I sold him big time.  But as soon as I heard he was hooked, I stopped.  I didn’t try to close the sale then and there.  Instead, I tried to better position myself to take advantage of his interest and asked him for a bit of time a few days later.


“Let me ask you, are you an early morning person or an afternoon person?”


“Great, so are you a coffee or tea man or do you like juice or water?”


“Milk or cream?  Light or dark?”

“Milk, light.”

“Bagels, donuts, muffins, or cottage cheese?”


“Great.  So I’ll see you Tuesday morning at 7:15.  I’ll bring bagels and coffee

and give you a fifteen-minute presentation of my product as you eat your


Once again, my “118” had succeeded.  Now, I could close the sale the way I like:  in person.

How do you succeed with your elevator pitch?

Not only are individuals adopting my idea of the 118 Pitch, but large companies are requiring their staff to creatively come up with, and actively use THEIR 118 Pitch!

We recently held a contest within Alphagraphics to see who in their company could come up with the best 118 pitch.

Alphagraphics created so many funny and creative entries.  A contest like this may help you see what all of your employees are truly capable of!  Videos ranged from a kid that went to the dentist, to wild west style black and whites… everyone used creativity AND relayed a strong 118 message – the 8 second hook and the 110 second sell.

We did have to choose ONE winner, and that winner was Jay Meier.  The title of his video was “More Than Just Copies”.  It won for five reasons:

  1. Creativity
  2. Using new “now” concepts to express who Alphagraphics really is
  3. Quality
  4. Filming techniques
  5. Appeal


By following this link, you can see Jay’s video, along with many others who submitted their videos for the Alphagrahpics 118 Pitch Contest.


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